21 September 2021
WhatsApp Business API: The Desk360 guide to get started
You may have heard about WhatsApp Business API if you’re a new digital business looking to boost your client connections. Before diving into this great customer communication channel, you’ll probably want to learn more about the platform, and most importantly, how to get started.
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app platform in the world today. It is also the top choice of businesses to keep in touch with customers. It empowers brands to provide quick support to their clients with tools like the WhatsApp Business API, which provides real-time messaging and conversational commerce. In this blog post, we’ll touch on its advantages and its implementation for businesses, as well as how it differs from conventional WhatsApp Business.
What exactly is the WhatsApp Business API?
WhatsApp Business is a system that allows medium to large-sized businesses to handle all of their WhatsApp messages coming from their customers simultaneously and on the same platform with multiple representatives. With this tool, you can improve client communication and engage with them quickly, effortlessly, and reliably.
A company can set up a business profile to provide support to its customers via WhatsApp and utilize the many opportunities that real-time customer interactions have to offer. Small businesses with a low message volume can use WhatsApp Business for free with a single customer representative. However, because the number of messages will surely increase as the company grows, incoming messages will require more than just one customer representative. The implementation of this API becomes necessary from this point on. In short, medium and large organizations should definitely look into the WhatsApp Business API if they’re getting ready to grow their userbase.
What is the distinction between WhatsApp Business API and WhatsApp Business?
So you’ve decided to utilize WhatsApp for customer communication but aren’t sure whether to use WhatsApp Business or its API? Here are a few pointers to help you make your decision:
If you run a small business and believe you can manage the customer messages you get via WhatsApp with just one agent, WhatsApp Business is the right choice for you. However, if your message traffic increases and you can’t handle the number of messages with just one agent, you will need to work with a Solution Provider and make the move to the WhatsApp Business API.
When you’re ready to get started with WhatsApp Business, you can simply download the app and send messages to anyone at any time without any imposed limits. This customer service number, however, can only be used by one representative on a single device. Not only that, you won’t be able to utilize features like automatic replies and template messages, and you won’t be able to employ a CRM platform.
If you’re set on using the WhatsApp Business API, you’ll need a Solution Provider to verify your account. By linking WhatsApp to your CRM, you gain the ability to respond to messages with an unlimited number of users on an unlimited number of devices, and use WhatsApp in tandem with your CRM’s capabilities. Needless to say, Desk360 is the go-to provider for this. To start managing your WhatsApp Business account with Desk360, click here and we’ll help you get started in no time.
How do I submit my application?
So, you’ve decided to use the WhatsApp Business API to manage your customer communications in conjunction with your CRM solution. The following are the requirements you need to meet to apply:
Firstly, choose which phone number you want to use for your API account. The number you’ll choose must be open to incoming calls and it can’t be linked to a live WhatsApp account. Additionally, make sure it hasn’t already been a part of an API service from another solution provider. You can choose utilize phone numbers with 444 or 850 prefixes for this. If the number in question has an active WhatsApp account, unlink it by going to WhatsApp, and navigating to Settings > Account > Delete My Account.
To apply for the WhatsApp Business API, you also need to have a verified Facebook Business account. You can learn how to create a Facebook Business account by following this link. You can do this under the Business Info tab for your unverified account. To learn more about business verification and how to resolve business verification issues, click here.
How do I use it?
Now that you’ve submitted your application to use the WhatsApp Business API to manage client messages with multiple agents and through a CRM, and you’re ready to go. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
– Two types of messages can be sent using the API: customer-initiated session messages and business-triggered message templates.
– Within 24 hours, you can respond to the customer-initiated session messages. If you want to send a message to the same person after 24 hours, you can either wait for the customer to start a new session or send them a template message.
– These template messages are submitted to the Solution Provider for approval before being sent to the customer. These messages cannot be used for advertising or marketing, and can only be used to send notifications or updates.
– Sending template messages to customers requires their approval. This can be done via sending a WhatsApp message, phone call, SMS, IVR, in person, or using chatbots.
If you own a medium or large business, the WhatsApp Business API solution will delight your customers while automating your time-consuming tasks. Customers that are satisfied with their pre-sales, during-sales, and after-sales experiences will surely spread the word about your company. A satisfied customer is the best advertisement after all. Visit our website today to learn more about Desk360 and gain an edge over your competition.